Loan and Long-Term Loan Requests
In 2004, the Musée Eugène-Delacroix was attached to the public establishment of the Musée du Louvre, while keeping its own loan procedure.
The decision to lend objects is taken by the Scientific Commission of French national museums, which meets every month (except in summer), and by the internal curatorial team of the Musée Eugène-Delacroix. They both review conditions at the prospective borrowing institution as well as the scientific relevance of the exhibition proposal.
Official loan requests must be sent at least eight months before the start of the exhibition so that they can be properly reviewed and administrative deadlines met, in particular the scheduling of Loan Committee meetings.
How to apply for a loan
Written requests must be sent by post to the President-Director of the Musée du Louvre:
Établissement Public du Musée du Louvre
Madame Laurence des Cars
75058 Paris Cedex 01
and sent in copy to the Director of the Musée Eugène-Delacroix:
Madame Claire Bessède, directrice
Musée national Eugène-Delacroix
6 rue de Furstemberg
75006 Paris
Deadline for submission:
At least 6 months before the start of the exhibition for requests made in France
At least 8 months for requests from outside of France
Chrystalle Kargès
Head of loans and long-term loans
Collection Registrar
+33 (0)1 44 41 86 58
Written requests must include the following information: full name of the borrowing institution; name(s) of person(s) responsible for the exhibition; title, dates and exact location(s) of the event; list of works requested with corresponding inventory numbers; synopsis of the exhibition; facility report (exhibition and security conditions); and contact details for all persons involved in the management of the project.
Loan conditions
While the Musée Eugène-Delacroix believes in making its collections widely available and tries to answer the many loan requests it receives favourably, it may decline to lend works for a variety of reasons:
• Object fragility. Some works cannot be moved for conservation reasons;
• Object availability. Some works may already be reserved for another exhibition project, or are a key part of the museum’s own displays;
• Very late submission of requests. The Musée Eugène-Delacroix need sufficient time to process the large volume of loan requests they receive and properly plan for the inspection and potential move of works;
• The status of works and restrictive clauses (i.e. bequests or ‘MNR’ works) that may preclude travel outside France due to their provisional legal status.
Once a loan is agreed, the borrower is expected to comply with several obligations stated in the contract drawn up by the Musée Eugène-Delacroix. These include:
• Covering all costs related to insurance, crating and packing, shipping, round-trip transport, and installing works in the exhibition venue;
• Conserving loaned works from the Musée Eugène-Delacroix according to exhibition and security standards in force, and in accordance with specific conditions if applicable;
• Any request to extend a loan beyond the duration initially agreed must be made at least one month prior to the initial closing date of the exhibition. The borrower must cover all costs related to a loan extension.
Requests for images of loaned works must be sent to the Réunion des Musées Nationaux – Grand Palais photo agency (